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Safety Advice

Imagine this: It's 3am and you've been on a night out in London. You desperately want to get home, but you're all alone. You are struggling to find transportation to get home when you find a minicab parked at the side of the road willing to take you home. You jump in grateful that you found someone to take you home. Have you ever thought about the consequences of taking this illegal, unlicensed and potentially dangerous minicab?

Safer Minicabs has been created to protect you from these potential crimes. The app will allow your journey to be tracked, and feel secure with an inbuilt panic alarm function, and full access to both driver and vehicle details.

So next time you're in London wanting to get home: Think Safe, Think Safer Minicabs. To benefit from these additional security features and more download our free app today.

How to stay safe in Taxi Minicabs